Perennial Roots Farm

biodynamic farm & garden

Stay Calm and Subscribe to a CSA

Stewart Lundy

One of the main reasons we started farming: to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. All of my life choices are being validated right now. And social distancing? What can I say? For farmers that's just a lifestyle. 🤷🏽‍♀️


But in all seriousness, just a friendly reminder from your favorite farmers: It's real, folks! Stay home and stay safe and healthy. And don't panic buy all the toilet paper and flour. Save some for your neighbor.

And remember to support and buy from your local farmer. Virginia has not deemed farmers markets as essential, so we're having to shift and rethink our business plan for the year. We've been working hard and are determined to get food to you. I promise one way or another you will get our meat and veggies. 30,000 onions are in the ground, our greenhouse is busting at the seams with starts and seedlings, a dozen lambs were dropped off at the butcher last week and we're dropping a dozen pigs off this coming week. We have so much FOOD for y'all! Our goal is to provide nourishing food and medicine to as many of you as we can. We're going to be offering a CSA this year for veggies, with a meat add on option if you're interested. We're finalizing details and putting all the info up on our website so look for it in the next few days. Sign up for our newsletter to be in the know AND I'll let you know when we're done finalizing details and I'll put the link in our profile.

And until we meet again, avoid zombies and always remember to double tap.